BLACKRUNNER are committed to implement and continually improve social accountability management system and all applicable National and International laws and conventions.
We will provide a safe working environment for all our personnel and continually check and redefine product safety levels to ensure customer safety, and to always be aware of the environmental implications of all our processes and practices.

We want to:

  • Ensure welfare of employees.
  • Improve conditions of employees.
  • Eliminate the child and forced labor.
  • Deliver on given time at the right price.
  • Operate within government guidelines.
  • Operate a get it right first-time approach.
  • Provides adequate working environment.
  • Set goals in achieving recognized accreditations.
  • Provide a safe and pleasant-working environment.
  • Improve social performance of all business partners.
  • Respect right of association and collective bargaining.
  • Learn the requirements of our customers and teach our employees.
  • Protect the environment by using cleaner and safer working practices.
  • Provide the correct and necessary equipment to get the job done right.
  • Implement continuous improvement through research and development.